Welcome to the

PMI North Saskatchewan Chapter

Chartered in 2000, the PMI North Saskatchewan Chapter (PMI-NSC) is a dynamic, diverse organization recognized for professionalism in project management. We are a volunteer organization with programs designed to influence and promote the project management profession. Since its inception our chapter has grown steadily, and current membership is now over 500. Members are eligible to use education material and earn PDUs toward continuing certification.

Programs and Services

We offer a variety of professional and educational programs designed to strengthen member’s skills and employability while also contributing to our community. Professional Development Units (PDUs) are earned for attending the following programs:

  • Annual Professional Development Day (PDD) – our Professional Development Day (PDD) is a one-day workshop held annually for project professionals. This event provides dynamic and motivational speakers who deliver presentations on hot topics relevant to project management.
  • PMP/CAPM Study Group – each year we offer a study group designed to support our members as they prepare to write the PMP or CAPM exam. Each session presents a topic from the PMBOK, and provides a forum for learning and developing the skills needed to pass the exam. If you are planning to obtain your certification this study group is for you.
  • Monthly Luncheon Speaker Meetings – regularly held the second Tuesday of each month, our luncheon speaker meetings offer a variety of professionals speaking on topics relevant to project management. We welcome members who would like to share their experiences with our group. One PDU is earned for attending each luncheon speaker meeting.

Chapter Bylaws

As required by the Project Management Institute, our chapter is governed by it own set of by-laws. For more information, see Policies & Bylaws.

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