14 August 2020 at 09:00AM
AGM & Board Elections - Sept. 15/2020
The board is planning for our Annual General meeting on September 15 and the first order of business will be board elections. Volunteering at the board level is a great way to give back to our profession; if you’re interested in one of these challenging and rewarding leadership roles we’d love to hear from you!
This year we have three board positions coming open for the 2021 term:
- President-elect
- VP Professional Development
- VP Member Services
For more information on the specifics of each role, please see the positions descriptions here.
If you are not familiar with our chapter elections process, here is a refresher:
- Elections are held at the AGM, this year this it is online on September 15, 2020
- The nominating committee is made up of past chapter presidents and is chaired by the immediate past president.
- We accept nominations for open positions until one week prior to the AGM; this year that is September 8. This gives the nominating committee enough time to prepare the list of candidates
- All nominations should be communicated to Jonathan Moore-Wright (Immediate Past President) at pastpresident@pminorthsask.com. Nominations should include a brief bio as well as a statement of your experience related to the position.
- Candidate information will be published to the membership one week prior to the AGM
- At his/her discretion, the president will interview all candidates prior to the election
- The new board appointments take effect January 1, and new board members go through transition and training over the fall.
In addition to elections we will be proposing a number of changes to our chapter bylaws at this AGM based upon changing our fiscal year from July 1 to June 30 to January 1 to December 31. Please see the proposed changes here. At the AGM we will be asking for a vote to approve the proposed changes.
The AGM will start at 11:30 and our speaker will begin at 12:00. REGISTER HERE.
Watch for more info and see you at our virtual meeting!